Step 3: Create Tap Action to change colors

Step 3 of 4. Click here for main article. Add a Layer (The Plus Symbol) Choose for example Circle change opacity to 0 Choose Tap Action Choose Run Script   Type change_color()     Done Optional: Step 4 (later to add)

Step 2: Change Color of objects

Step 2 of 4. Click here for main article. This part is easy. Every object that should change the color becomes as color or tint the following code: var_colorcode[var_color] or you can make a text field and define as the text var_colorname[var_color] to show the name of the actual color. Continue withStep 3: Create Tap…

Step 1: Editing script

Step 1 of 4. Click here for main article. First Step is to define which colors we want to use. We can use the 20 colors Google declares or just 2 colors. For every color you want to use, you had to research the color code of this color. Blue for example is #2196f3 and…